Covid-19: Five confirmed cases in Kimberley

KIMBERLEY – Five people in Kimberley have tested positive for the Covid-19 virus.
Four of these patients were admitted to the Gariep MediClinic. Another patient was admitted to KimMed.
Denise Coetzee, spokesperson for Gariep Mediclinic, says the test results of the four patients in Gariep Mediclinic were received this morning, 1 May.
“All four patients are being kept in isolation. The department of health has put precautionary measures in place to deal with the situation. All who might have been in contact with the infected patients, are being traced and will also be put in isolation.”
KimMed director, Willie Wiid, confirmed the person was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday. The person is a psychiatric patient. “Fortunately, we treated him preventively from the start. He is now in an isolated room.” The patient will be transferred to Gariep Mediclinic tomorrow. “It’s a whole process that has to be followed. The department of health is involved and they will oversee this process.”
Wiid says the hospital has a special protocol in place to protect its employees and patients. “All our staff who have been in contact with him are being tested and we will handle the situation.”
The hospital manager at Lenmed Hospital in Kimberley, Hector McKay, says there are no confirmed Covid-19 cases at Lenmed.