Department of Employment and Labour continues to make lives easier

The Department of Employment and Labour continues in its quest to make the lives of workers easier during the lockdown by paying them through employers and bargaining councils.

As of today, the department through the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) has disbursed almost R9.5-billion (R 9 474 081 937.26) through the COVID-19 Temporary Employer/Employee Relief Scheme (TERS) benefitting 1 937 558 workers.

“This is a critical infusion and further creates a safety net for workers who may ordinarily not be paid because of the lockdown as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. We serve the people of this country and it is particularly at this point that we demonstrate the nature of caring government thus ensuring that to the extent possible, no person is left behind. 

“This intervention should be seen as part of the government-wide effort to mitigate the worst effects of the pandemic”, said Minister Thulas Nxesi. 

Prudent investments by the UIF enabled it to meet its obligations despite revenue falling by over R400-million as a result of decreased contributions.

“We still appeal to employers to make the necessary applications; provide the fund with more information where we have sent queries and to pay the workers the money due to them”, Nxesi continued.

A total of 619 365 workers are still to be paid more than R2.6- billion pending  the correct information being supplied to the UIF.

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