FF Plus requests Midvaal Municipality not to raise rates and taxes in the next financial year

The FF Plus has asked the Midvaal Municipality (De Deur/Walkerville, Eikenhof, Meyerton, Vaal Marina) not to increase municipal tariffs in the next financial year.
The party’s Midvaal
The party’s Midvaal caucus sent a letter to the Mayor, Bongani Baloyi, stating that the usual annual tariff increase could financially paralyse the already struggling population of Midvaal.
Various businesses in Meyerton, De Deur, Eikenhof and Vaal Marina have no other choice but to close their doors for good, while the remaining businesses are under immense pressure. Many employees have been laid off and are now dependent on food parcels.
The Disaster Management
In terms of the Disaster Management Act, the Midvaal Municipality has been forced to only provide essential services and was, therefore, able to save on its budget and not spend money on things like over-time compensation, maintenance of public parks and roads, travel and accommodation expenses for officials and councillors, subsidy payments, conference attendance and much more.
The Municipality
Thus, the Municipality is in the position to support taxpayers by means of rates and taxes relief. Provision could even be made for those who are severely affected by Covid-19.
At present, inflation increases on rates and taxes are simply not feasible. An increase could leave homeowners and business enterprises unable to pay their outstanding municipal accounts and that would result in even further financial decline among residents.
Midvaal Municipality
The Midvaal Municipality has a duty to help its residents and businesses survive financially during this period of lockdown and to enable them to once again contribute to and grow the economy in the area once lockdown has come to an end.