Covid-19: 35 cases in the Northern Cape

Yesterday Dr Zwelini Mkhize, minister of health, announced the 35th positive Covid-19 case in the Northern Cape. This person is 71 years old and resides in the Sol Plaatje local municipality in the Frances Baard District.
There are 24 people who have recovered from the virus, which leaves the province with 11 active cases.
Each district has a dedicated rapid response team to intervene, should there be cluster outbreaks while screening, testing and case management is conducted.
According to current estimations, without the implementation of the lockdown and other measures that have been put in place, at least 80 000 South Africans could have been infected with Covid-19 by now and our death toll could have been eight times higher. According to minister Mkhize, he lockdown was therefore absolutely necessary.
But while South Africans move to different levels of lockdown, the fundamentals of Covid-19 prevention should not be forgotten, he says. Social distancing, wearing cloth masks in public and regular hand hygiene must persist.