Vienna sausage and cheese roll – Recipe

Photo: Erna van der Merwe
The ordinary Vienna sausage gets a whole new robe with this delicious roll. It makes six to eight servings.
275 g (500 ml) flour
20 ml baking powder
2 ml salt
125 g margarine or butter at room temperature
150 ml milk
250 g Viennas, grated
200 g (500 ml) grated Cheddar
40 g (50 ml) margarine or butter at room temperature
1 small onion, finely chopped
7 ml Worcestershire sauce
7 ml prepared mustard
1 egg yolk and 25 ml milk, mixed together
Freshly chopped parsley
Preheat the oven to 200°C. Grease a pan with butter. Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt. Use your fingertips to mix the butter into the flour mix. Gradually cut the milk into the flour mix. The dough must be quite firm.
Flatten the dough on a floured surface in the shape of a rectangle of 35 x 27 cm.
Mix the Viennas, cheese, butter or margarine, onion, Worcestershire sauce and mustard together. Evenly spread the mixture over the dough.
Roll the dough from the one side with the filling in between. Put the roll on the baking tray and cut it in rings, but don’t cut it through.
Bake for 20 to 30 minutes until golden brown. Serve hot.
Recipe: Huisgenoot Wenresepte 2, Annette Human