Fury over DA councilor’s ‘bobianisme’ comment
CAPE TOWN.- A DA councilor in George is in trouble for telling an opposition political party member “Bobianisme suits jou neef, j is soos hul team captain soos x aanpassingsklas kaptein is n (another facebook user) skryf net name vir juff (sic)” while also tagging him.
CAPE TOWN.- A DA councilor in George is in trouble for telling an opposition political party member “Bobianisme suits jou neef, j is soos hul team captain soos x aanpassingsklas kaptein is n (another facebook user) skryf net name vir juff (sic)” while also tagging him.
Councilor Brendan Adams made these comments in referencing Plaaslike Besorgde Inwoners (PBI) executive member, Enrico Stalmeester. The PBI want to determine if the term used equates Stalmeester’s intellect or Human conduct to that of a baboon.
Stalmeester said yesterday that they had been engaged in a debate on Facebook about service delivery issues when Adams made the comment.
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