Mass fish deaths at the Waterfront are causing problems

Thousands of tiny, dead fish are floating around the V&A Waterfront and surrounding area and other than the smell, it’s causing all kinds of problems.

Mass fish deaths at the Waterfront are causing problems

Mass fish deaths at the Waterfront are causing problems photo credit: businessinsider

Thousands of tiny, dead fish are floating around the V&A Waterfront and surrounding area and other than the smell, it’s causing all kinds of problems.

V&A’s canals

Fields of Cape horse mackerel and mullet are floating around the V&A’s canals, making the area smell so bad that a guest at the luxurious Cape Grace hotel left because of it.

The fish deaths were caused by a school of mackerel being chased into the harbour by a pair of Humpback whales. In addition, there was a higher-than-normal volume of mullet breeding in the bay. This caused overpopulation and death.

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