Register for your Covid-19 vaccine through WhatsApp

The Department of Health has made a Covid-19 vaccine registration portal available through WhatsApp and USSD in South Africa.

Register for your Covid-19 vaccine through WhatsApp

Register for your Covid-19 vaccine through WhatsApp photo credit: canva

The Department of Health has made a Covid-19 vaccine registration portal available through WhatsApp and USSD in South Africa.

Covid-19 vaccination

This service allows eligible South Africans to register for a Covid-19 vaccination as part of the country’s official phase 2 and phase 3 vaccination programs.

Phase 2, which is set to start next week Monday (17 May) will focus on people over the age of 60 as well as healthcare workers who have not been vaccinated through the Sisonke protocol.

The self-registration services can be accessed as follows:

• WhatsApp- You can register on the Covid WhatsApp number by sending “Register” to 0600 123 456

• USSD- You can register by SMS by dialing 134832*your ID number

• No ID number- If you don’t have an ID number you can dial 134832# for assistance

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