Visitors can now get Covid vaccine at Dracula’s castle in Romania

The vaccine certificate is reportedly decorated with a fanged medical worker wielding a syringe.

Visitors can now get Covid vaccine at Dracula’s castle in Romania

Visitors can now get Covid vaccine at Dracula’s castle in Romania

Doctors at the Bran Castle in central Romania are offering visitors the opportunity to get vaccinated at the Transylvania site believed to be the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s epochal vampire novel, Dracula.

Bite of a bloodsucker

Interested Romanian visitors will be trading the bite of a bloodsucker for the protective powers of a Covid-19 vaccine. The unusual vaccination centre is part of the Romanian government’s attempt to vaccinate 10 million people by September.

Every weekend through May, the hilltop castle will be home to “vaccination marathons”, where Romanian residents will get a shot of the Pfizer vaccine and a “vaccination diploma”, without having to make an appointment. The vaccine certificate is reportedly decorated with a fanged medical worker wielding a syringe.

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