Updated lockdown rules for SA schools

A key change will be that primary school pupils and pupils with special needs will return to full-time learning from the end of July.

Updated lockdown rules for SA schools

Updated lockdown rules for SA schools photo credit: canva

Basic education Minister Angie Motshekga has released a gazette with updated lockdown regulations for South Africa’s schools.

Key change

A key change will be that primary school pupils and pupils with special needs will return to full-time learning from the end of July.

Motshekga has said that her department will now use a risk-adjusted differentiated strategy – where school attendance is determined by the direction the pandemic is taking in specific districts or the country as a whole.

The department said that, where applicable, teaching and learning may be conducted outside the confines of a classroom. Schools must also use all the available rooms and spaces to prevent overcrowding in a classroom. Movement of learners must also be minimized with teachers rotating between lessons.

Under this system, primary school learners (Grades R to &) must return to the daily attendance and traditional timetabling model from 26 July 2021. The gazette does not indicate when high schools will resume normal timetabling.

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